Tuesday, January 30, 2018

History of the Gallic Wars

I recently came across some videos by Historia Civilis on the Gallic Wars. They are informative & entertaining. They are also a great source of information for creating scenarios for games like DBA or ADLG, as several Roman/Gallic battles are reviewed in detail. The first video details the Battle of the Sabis (which we have gamed a couple times, with articles on this blog). If you finish this video, Youtube automatically plays the next one in chronological order. Episodes on Caesar's invasion of Britain are also included. Here is the Sabis video, which is the first one in the series:

Below is a link to the Historica Civilis YouTube channel, which has the rest of their videos, which cover not only Caesar's wars, but includes campaigns of Crassus, Pompey, Philip II, and Alexander:


Thursday, January 11, 2018

First Game of 2018

Had my first game of 2018 last evening, playing HFG (Horse, Foot, & Guns) with my friend Steve, who has never played HFG before. We tried a historical battle scenario, Caldiero from Oct. 30, 1805. We started the battle at 11:30am (when historically, the fog over the battlefield lifted). There was a protracted contest for the village of Caldiero and an entrenchment in the center of the battlefield, which forced us to learn the nuances of fighting in & around a BUA (built-up area). I'm not sure we really understood the rules in this regard, so will have to study them for next time. The scenario seemed workable, though we may give both sides an extra general next time, as each player was commanding 17-19 elements with one general each. The scenario was from Age of Eagles,  which I modified to HFG. We took our time playing & looking up things in the rules, so our game was not played to a conclusion, with the French getting the better of the Austrians, who were losing 3 elements to 0 (the Austrian break-point was 7).