Monday, April 12, 2021

European Bronze Age Bash

 About a month ago, we had a quick 2 player European Bronze Age bash using Wargames Foundry figures and DBA 3.0. A 12 element per side game, both armies were identical. It should be noted that these armies were collected & painted prior to the DBA rules being published in 1990, based on the WRG standard at the time, and their composition was based on the figures offered in the Foundry line, not on any established army list. We played with them "as is."

The armies consist of a CinC general in a light chariot (LCh), a dismounted CinC element, 4 x pikemen (4Pk), 2 x Light Horse (LH), 3 x Skirmishers (Ps), 3 x Warband or Auxilia (3Wb or 3Ax).

The camp follower element.

The armies deploy against one another. Note the far army deploys with single ranks of pikemen to extend it's flanks over the opponent, which weakens the overall frontal combat ability of the pikes, but allows the army to more easily overlap it's opponent.

Another view of the deployed armies. Gentle hilltops are outlined on the playing surface with chalk (books are underneath the mat to create the hills). A scratch built ancient city gate in the background.

The armies approach one another. The lights for both armies split off into separate groups.

Closing closer, the far army extends it's right further while the near army sends a light horse element was force marched using subsequent moves to the right flank. With it's left flank exposed, the near army must win quickly on the right flank or center before it can be overwhelmed on the left.

The armies close & clash. The near army has had to reinforce it's left with the CinC, while on it's right the light horse has helped destroy a skirmisher stand.

In the final photo, the end came quickly in a couple turns for the far army as two of it's pikemen stands were destroyed in straight-up combat against their pike opponents with rear support, a mismatch at +3 vs +6. The far army also lost a light horse stand on it's right flank, the light horse had rear support but was corner overlapped by the near CinC stand. This made the final score 4-0 for the near army.